Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Conclusion: Possible goals for next year that I have are to stay on top of my grades. This includes making sure I study before each test, listening intently in class and making sure I write down things so I don't forget. For my career I don't have many possibilities seeing that I am a freshman. The closest thing I have to a career is the pathway of Arts & Communication which is what I learned in CAP. Some websites that have majors in this pathway are listed below.

Texas College: http://www.finearts.txstate.edu/
BYU: http://cfac.byu.edu/


To Parents:


Heres a link to my GLO Portfolio which shows what I have done this year. After you review my website, please answer the following question in a comment-

"What did you learn about your child's achievements and experiences in MenemAC this past year?"

Friday, May 11, 2012

  Look at the society around you. Look at the clothing, language, personalities, things that happen and almost anything nowadays. What do you think has caused all of these things to happen? Many may say it is caused just by the generation, and how more advanced we are becoming. That may be true, but there is one big factor in how the world looks today. This factor is music. Music can have many effects on how the world is at this time, and the biggest place it affects is teens. The singers influence us on what to wear, how to stand, things to say, and what to do. But, there are also other sections that music has an effect on. Some examples of the effects of music on society can be seen through poems such as, “ Music on Christmas Morning” by Anne Bronte, “Music I Heard” by Conrad Aiken, and Sing-Sing-Music Was Given” by Thomas Moore. Also, a few articles like, “The Powerful Role of Music In Society” and “Why Does Music Make us Feel?”.
            Anne Bronte’s “Music on Christmas Morning” talks about how music is everywhere, and how it can add to the feelings in a certain situation. Also, how music can help you during these times is being talked about as something bad is happening, it can lift your spirits. This poem relates to how music is in effect on our society by speaking of exactly that.  In the poem, music has a role that is rejoicing, comforting and sacred. In life, there are many things happening that have a natural music to it. Such as when one walks into a scary room. Creepy music pops into the brain, sending shivers up your spine. In this situation the music has an effect in feelings. It can change the emotion in the room, and in society it can change an outlook on life. 
            Conrad Aiken’s “Music I Heard” is more about how we connect many things to music. In this poem, a person has gone through a relationship, and it is at the phase where you greive over what used to be. In the line, “Music I heard with you was more than music” it talks about how a special connection to the song the couple has. There are memories attatched to it, that either hurt or help society. This can be considered  far out there as in the connection, but there are many things that can be connected to songs. Music has many components to it such as the artist who created it, the music video that is made, and things that happened during this time, or even what the song is about.
            In the last poem “Sing-Sing-Music Was Given” by Thomas Moore, it talks about how there are many different scenarios where music is present, or how universal it is. This poem is pretty much examples of how music can work in life. An example from the poem is how a young boy is being sung asleep by his mother. The effect of music, or the mothers singing is soothing. In society there are many different scenarios such as this. They include pump up music that athletes use to get them ready for game time, love songs you listen to when you feel like day dreaming, and loud obnoxious songs you listen to when you want the world to dissapear for a moment.
            The article, “The powerful Rold of Music in Society” is exactly about what it says. 
TO BE CONTINUED (idk what happen to umm)....