In the poem, “Coney Island Life” by James I Weil, he describes his life with sayings and words such as rollercoaster, dolls and planet carousel. By creating these and may other scenes, I beliebe the author was describing a slightly sad life.
By describing life as “rollercoaster ups and downs” and “helium hopes break skyward without me” the author sets the mood saying that his life wasn’t the happiest. Life can be compared to ups and downs just as it says. There are low times in your life when you can be going through certain things, and “ups” when it feels like nothing could go wrong. But his hopes, which is like helium, light and rising up higher without him tells us that his dreams left him behind.
Also, at the end, the poem is structured with breaks. “and ask” is emphasized, also “I have” to give it the effect of the author coming to a close in his life, with a sense of wonder in his voice.
By comparing life to Coney Island, which is full of amusement park attractions, it sounds busy. Comparing life to a rollercoaster with ups and downs, means life has its peaks and valleys. Also, the fact he says“how many more times” gives the feeling of being tired, but also a wishing that he had more time for his life.
When James I. Weil wrote the poem “Coney Island Life” he gives off the impression of a sad life by using metaphors, evocative language, and more. He portrays that life doesn’t go on forever. And, whatever happends during your journey, make use of that time until you go.
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