Dear Incoming Freshman,
If its one thing I know about what one needs to know in order to survive highschool, it’s that throughout your years, things won’t always go your way and sometimes you have to adapt to it. There are always the same things that people tell you that you need to do for highschool such as doing your work and taking school more seriously. These are some of the most important things you need to do, but in order to do them, you have to conquer smaller obstacles. What I have to tell you is that you can still learn from bad teachers, you don’t need to love studying in order to get good grades, and you need to balance.
In highschool, you are absolutely guarranteed to have at least one bad teacher. This is epecially true if you go to a public school. Don’t get me wrong, there are a handfull of teachers who really care about you and what you learn, but there will be those who you, and many of your classmates will dislike strongly. So, what you do about it will make all the difference. Do not use up your time complaining about how everything that teacher does is wrong, and is the reason you are going to fail school. That, is a waste of time and it obviously solves nothing. Find out how to ace the class. Your teacher is just a regular person, and has his or her likes and dislikes. Since he or she is the one controlling your grade, know what the teacher wants in a student, and become it. If you aren’t one of the favorites, all I can say is that if you do your work well, the teacher doesn’t have any other choice than to give you the grade you deserve. Also, you never know what your teachers may be going through, so don’t expect them to be perfect. Learning from one of these teachers may be a hard one, but you come out a much better student from going through it. I guess you could call what I’m telling you tips, and really they are, but take them seriously because it may be what saves you in the long run.
The next one may be a concept that is slightly hard for some of us to grasp. What I know from experience is that really, you do not need to force yourself to like studying in order to be good at school. But, what you do need to do is to learn how to love learning. If you think about it, we are learning constantly. You learn how to dance, what songs are new, the latest styles, and more. But, those things aren’t always the most useful when it comes to your future. The way we think nowadays is a little messed up, which is why we think learning isn’t fun. In my perspective, we confuse studying with learning because staying up for three hours until midnight trying to memorize words is not fun. Being able to know many different things and tell people about it is fun. If you put this mindset in place of what goes through your head during a lecture in class, you may actually learn something interesting. Learning makes your life open up, so you are able to do so much more activities even though you may not know it. Remember this, you don’t need to learn to love studying, but learn to love learning.
Lastly, you need to know that highschool will not last forever. It may feel like it will last forever, but it’s purpose is to get you ready for the next step until you go out into the real world. Take the time you have in highschool to do exactly what it is supposed to be used for. In highschool, you need to many things, which include things that are not going to be handed to you in text books, and things that are. Take the time to gain the knowlegde of what you are required to learn, and find something you enjoy. This will help you later find the major of your choice, and possibly a job. Besides the academic part of school, you learn who you are, and how others are. Making mistakes during these years are crucial because of what you can learn from them. Although you normally do not want to make mistakes, but you will, and this will get you ready for what’s ahead. During the short time in highschool, you must make the most of it and get out of it what you can. It will not last forever, and you must take what you have learned and apply it to what is next.
All in all, I have no way of knowing what will happen to you in your highschool years. But, what I do know is that you will go through many things such as drama, and changes in general. What you need to do is look positively on all of it. When something bad happens, you have to look for what good can come out of it. I personally know that from every situation, no matter how bad it is that something good has come of it. I hope my tips have helped you and you can use them for your own good.
Great job on the letter to an oncoming high school freshman. You did a really good job hitting three different points that students never really think about. Make sure you read over again and fix any sentence errors. For example the last sentence in your intro says "to balance" not sure what that means.
ReplyDeleteI think you did a great job on this essay. It was really simple in the way you told things like they were. You also did a nice job on explaining things too. You didnt leave the sentence off in a cliff. You should include a personal experience that way the reader will be able to connect better with your advice. Other than that, you offered some really great insight. Good job :DD